A head massage feels like pleasure, it reduces stress, and headache helps with migraine, and boosts hair growth. A daily head massage can cure many problems as it improves blood circulation and detoxifies the blood. It is better if you take the massage from others and it is more impactful when you take it from an experienced person like from a salon or massage parlor. Massage can be really easy and less time-consuming and has no side effects. Swagmee head massage at home uses essential oils to massage your head and de-stress you. Head massage is very underrated when it comes to other salon treatments but it has plenty of health benefits such as:
Improves hair growth: There are different types of head massages for different types of benefits. If you want to improve your hair growth then you should consider scalp massage and pressure points for better circulation of blood for regrowing your hair.
Releases stress: There is no doubt that head massage relieves stress, it helps in lowering blood pressure by bringing the mind at ease. A 20-25 minute head massage can improve blood circulation which affects the muscles and blood vessels.
Reduces headaches & helps with migraine: Head massage has a great effect on your muscles and your neck, scalp massage and putting pressure on the right points can help in reducing stress and headache, and it also improves your sleep and life pattern.
How to give a head massage to yourself at home?
Make yourself comfortable and sit on a chair, wrap a towel around your neck and take a cup of oil or half a cup of lukewarm oil. You can also do it with bare hands without any oil.
Start with a light hand and then apply pressure, you directly pour oil onto your scalp or can dip your fingers into the oil and then massage gently using the tip of the finger.
Massage it in a circular motion, make sure you do not use your nails to massage as it will break your hair and scratch the roots.
Cover your head after the massage with a hair cap or warm towel for better conditioning and hair growth.
Wash it with a mild shampoo after an hour or 2.
Essential oils you can use to massage your scalp and hair
Coconut oil: Reduces agitation, encourages hair growth and development, prevents infection, and leaves hair feeling lustrous.
Almond oil: Helps with split ends and makes your hair healthy & strong.
Castor oil with coconut oil: Makes your hair soft, shiny & healthy.
Avocado oil: prevents hair from sun damage and dryness.
Rosemary oil: Improves Blood circulation. Boosts hair growth, and reduces inflammation.
But before adding essential oils or any kind of oil to your scalp or hair do a patch test, for that
Clean a small area on your arm with a mild cleanser and soap.
Apply a few drops of the oil you want to use on your scalp and then rub it a little. Leave that for 24 hours
If you experience any kind of allergy, irritation or rashes then immediately wash the entire area and don’t use it for your head massage but if it is ok and doesn’t cause any kind of problem then you are all good to go.
Benefits of professional head massage
Giving yourself a self-head massage is a good thing but you may also need a professional head massage as they are experienced in the same field. A professional head massage is about 45 minutes to 1 hour in that time they de-stresses your mind & reduce your headache. Also, there are different types of head massages for different types of problems. And on your own, it is not possible to cure all those problems. A professional head massager will reach the root cause of the problem whether it’s headache, migraine or hair growth and give you a massage accordingly. Swagmee head massage at home offers you plenty of head massage therapy and benefits in your comfort space.The best thing you can get after a demanding day is a head massage. It refreshes your cells, eases tension in your muscles, and quiets your thoughts. Additionally, it stimulates the blood arteries and veins beneath your head.
What to avoid after a head massage?
Avoid hot showers.
Not taking naps or giving rest to your mind & body
Not drinking enough water.
Doing heavy exercise and other physical activities.
What to do after a head massage?
Drink coffee or alcohol, it keeps your body hydrated after a day or after a few hours.
Eat light meals or else you will feel bloated and sluggish
Make time or self-care time to avoid stress and anxiety.
If you feel like going to the washroom then urine flushes out all the toxins.
Important note- Always do a patch test before applying the oils to your scalp. Do not rub the oil on your head harshly as it may cause rashes and redness, use your fingertips and avoid your nails or you can use any head massaging tools. Take at least one or two sessions of head massage from the salon for better results.